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Fake helmets Issue

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Fake helmets can be dangerous for the head and eyes, keep these things in mind when buying


Non ISI mark Helmets
Most people in our country buy helmets only so that their invoice is not cut. There are very few people who prefer to buy good quality helmets for safety. The sale of fake helmets in the country is continuously increasing. Fake helmets are easily available from Rs 100 to Rs 300 at roadside and local shops. At the same time, these helmets are also sold by putting fake ISI stickers on them. This is the reason why hundreds of people lose their lives in road accidents due to fake helmets in the country. At the same time, fake helmets are also very dangerous for your eyes.
Fake helmets are very dangerous for your eyes.
Fake and light quality materials are used in making fake helmets, while the visor (the transparent part of the front) is also not UV protected, due to which there is no protection of eyes in strong sunlight. Not only this, high light beam of vehicles coming from the front in the night also directly affects the eyes, due to which the eyesight becomes weak. While a good quality original helmet has a UV protection visor, which protects your eyes from the sun, as well as protects your face from the sun.

How safe is the helmet with the ISI mark?
Rajiv Kapoor, MD of Steelbird Helmet, the country's famous helmet manufacturer, says that one should always buy and wear a helmet bearing the ISI mark. The original ISI mark helmet cannot be made for 300 to 400 rupees, but the local market is getting an ISI mark sub standard helmet. This helmet can save you from challan, but cannot save your life in case of an accident. He says that selling fake helmets is like selling fake medicines. So always buy and wear original helmets. Quality and safety standards are taken care of in real helmets. Because a real helmet goes through several safety tests. According to statistics, more than one million people die every year in road accidents, as there is a limited number of traffic police in many states and districts of our country. If we consider the figures of insurance companies, then the death toll in these accidents is much higher.

Fake helmets can save you from challan, but cannot save your life in case of an accident. Selling fake helmets is like selling fake medicines. - Rajiv Kapoor, MD, Steelbird

This is how to identify fake helmets
According to Steelbird Helmet's MD, Rajiv Kapoor, today around 80 percent of helmets in the country are sold for counterfeiters. But it is very easy to identify them, if someone is selling you a helmet for less than Rs 450, then understand that you are buying a fake helmet. Because no ISI mark helmet can be made at such a low price. According to the safety standards of the government, the minimum cost to build a helmet with an ISI mark is Rs 450.

100 million ISI helmets demand in India every year
At present, wearing a helmet is compulsory in the entire country, but this law is in force only in Delhi, Chandigarh and Jaipur. The government will soon make the helmet mandatory in the new amendment of the Motor Vehicle Act and implement the law across the country, this will increase market demand.

Illegal helmet factories
According to a helmet seller, there are many areas in Delhi where illegal helmet factories are being run in homes and fake helmets are being made. It is very important to rein in them. Also, those who are selling fake helmets should also take action. So that people can buy real helmets.

Why are fake helmets bought
One thing to think about is why fake helmets are selling so much in the market? Do people not care about their lives? When we talked to some people, we came to know that only to avoid challans, people buy cheap helmets. Because people get fake helmets for a low price.
Why is the helmet so irritated?
It is often seen that people drive by holding the helmet in their hands. People say that the helmet causes suffocation and perspiration. In the summer, due to perspiration and synthetic rubbing of foam, one often has to face problems like itching and hair loss. While women do not like to wear helmets because of this, their fear of hairstyle deteriorates. Helmet manufacturers say about this, that they are now launching in the underweight helmet market. Also, the helmets are being fitted with airvents forward, backward and upward to allow air in and out.

New technology helmets are coming
The helmet industry is constantly making new helmets, which are light in weight and with good graphics, in view of the need of young customers. Not only this, even nowadays tremendous technology is being seen in helmets. Anti bacterial helmets, handsfree helmets, carbon fiber helmets and ventilation helmets are coming in the market. Apart from this, helmets with photo chromatic visor have also been launched recently. These visors become dark in the day and normal at night, which are safe for your eyes as well as skin. Currently, there are many good helmet brands in the market such as Steelbird, Studs, LS Aerostar, Wrangler.
Fake helmets Issue Fake helmets Issue Reviewed by Brajmohan on 5:21 AM Rating: 5

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